Friday, November 29, 2019
How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis Essay Pro Tips
In most cases, when searching for good Rhetorical Analysis Essay Topics means you are an ambitious student currently undertaking the AP English course in high school. Assuming one has chosen AP English as their main language elective, it is never too early to start preparing for the exam. Out of all three possible essay types, students can choose from for the exam we recommend the Rhetorical Analysis Essay as it is one of the easiest to master. Nevertheless, if this is the first time you are faced with writing a Rhetorical Analysis Essay this guide written by the experts at the Essay Service covers everything you need to know and more. Contents Rhetorical Analysis Essay Definition How To Write A Rhetorical Analysis Essay Rhetorical Analysis Essay Topic Examples Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example (PDF) How To Get It Done Quickly: Pro Tips Tricks How to Incorporate the Elements Into Your Rhetorical Analysis Essay? Create a Well-Structured Rhetorical Analysis Essay Outline Rhetorical Analysis Essay Definition Before we begin breaking down all the various elements of the assignment, it is essential to acquaint first timers with what the Rhetorical Analysis Essay encompasses. Let us start removing the question mark looming over your head by exploring a basic definition of the task at hand. In essence, a rhetorical analysis essay can be based on films, academic literature, journal articles, television shows, collections of artwork, etc. as long as the material in question seeks to make a statement to its intended audience. Meaning that in order for a student to select a source which will allow them to write a convincing rhetorical analysis essay it is important to pick something that gives us some insight into how the creator of the work attempts to get their point across. Nonetheless, it is recommended to go beyond that and also establish how successful they were at making the intended statement. One of the most popular comparisons regarding how to assess a rhetorical analysis essay is the movie Inception. The core concept of the movie, being a dream within a dream, is a great way to start breaking down any rhetorical analysis essay topics. Doing so allows the student to undergo an in-depth study of the persuasive styles and strategies the author used to get their point across. Sounds pretty straightforward right? If you are interested in how students can get this assignment out of the way as quickly as possible keep reading to discover our secret tips and tricks when tackling any rhetorical analysis essay topics. How To Write A Rhetorical Analysis Essay As we all know with each type of academic assignment, there are a number of methods which can help get the job done not only faster but also in a more efficient manner. The same thought process applies to students seeking to get the most out of their rhetorical analysis essay topics. Thus, in this section, we will examine various acronyms and methodologies by explaining the advantages that they carry when applied correctly within the assignment. Our very first candidate in helping us tackle any rhetorical analysis essay prompt is a well-known companion of students undertaking an AP English class. Yes, you’ve guessed it we're talking about DIDLES. But what does that mean for our rhetorical analysis essay topics? Related: How to Write an Analytical Essay D I D L E S stands for Diction, Imagery, Details, Language and Sentence Structure. Now that we know what the acronym stands for it is time to figure out when and where it is best to apply it when tackling rhetorical analysis essay topics. Each of these elements helps us understand the degree to which the author got their points across in a more objective manner. So let’s start looking at each one of these in detail to see how exactly they make an in-depth analysis possible. Diction - Allows students to comprehend and gauge the syntax as well as the tone used throughout the piece. We can all safely agree that emotionally charged words and events always have a more significant impact on our interpretation of the text. It is essential to take note of how well the author applies diction from start to finish regardless of the rhetorical analysis essay topics chosen. Imagery - Similar to most academic assignments, imagery is always symbolic. Each rhetorical analysis essay outline should have a section dedicated to exploring the subject matter that the author chose to â€Å"show us.†Establish whether the use of such imagery is a theme throughout the piece to strengthen one's argument. Details - Paying attention to details is always crucial when judging the impact of a rhetorical analysis essay. As previously mentioned in the Imagery section, a similar thought process is applied here to help our interpretation of the text carry more weight. Language - The type of language used (e.g., formal, informal, street slang, etc.) is always a good indicator of the mood the author is trying to instill. The rhetorical analysis essay should assess how the author uses his â€Å"writer’s voice†to create the atmosphere and set the scene throughout the piece. Sentence Structure - This element dictates how easy we find it to decode the author's hidden messages. In essence, the overall structure should be well organized in the rhetorical analysis essay since it will either have a positive impact on our initial reading of the text or just make it too confusing to decode. Having defined what DIDLES is all about and how it can help us put together a convincing rhetorical analysis essay, it is time to consider other elements which can bring even more depth to our interpretation. Luckily, there is another useful acronym we can choose to embed into our assignment if the student is looking to secure an A+ grade. This rhetorical analysis method carries the name of SOAPSTone which stands for Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject, and Tone. In a sense, it does overshadow with DIDLES in some areas, but as there are numerous similarities so are the differences. The best way to imagine the two methods is a Venn diagram designed to help identify all the elements that can make a rhetorical analysis essay shine. Below we will explore what the SOAPSTone method requires from the student. Speaker - In most cases it refers to the writer of the text in question. Usually, if the author has obtained some form of official credentials in the respective field, then those should be taken into consideration and briefly explained. This is done to indicate that the writer is presenting us an informed opinion and should be looked upon as an authoritative figure due to the nature of the subject. However, students must keep in mind that if the narrator is different from the writer, then it is important to mention this in the rhetorical analysis essay as it can impact our interpretation of the text. Occasion - Firstly, one should look at the context under which the text is written. Establish whether this is impacts the rhetorical analysis essay thesis and how. To help give you a better understanding of what is being assessed here think of it in the following manner. As a student, you would use a completely different writing style if the essay was to be submitted to an academic assessment committee than to a fellow professional for example. Audience - This section is quite straightforward as it indicates who the text is written for. Overall this segment always overlaps with multiple elements from Occasion as well as most of the DIDLES requirements. Purpose - Similar to its predecessor, defining the overall goal of the text finds itself overlapping with most of the other elements. Students should always seek to establish the purpose of the document in the rhetorical analysis essay since it is a turning point we can go back to and see if the author managed to achieve that objective. Subject - Here we seek to display the means that the author uses to reach their purpose in the rhetorical analysis essay. For example, if the goal is to sell or advertise a product than the students should look at what subject the author chose to focus on to help sell that product or service. Tone - Simply put tone combines and assesses the effectiveness of Diction, Language and Sentence Structure throughout the text. These elements together should create a smooth, logical flow to the piece that matches the fundamental tone regarding the topic being discussed. One would not want to have a tragedy presented as if it was a comedy. Being aware of these elements is the first step towards writing a spectacular rhetorical analysis essay. The next stage involves taking this knowledge a step further by learning how to apply the rhetorical analysis essay strategies given to us by one of the world’s greatest philosophers and thinkers, namely Aristotle. His initial thoughts led to the creation of the appeals which are referred to as Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. Each of these are what has led to academics and scholars coming up with the acronyms we have discussed previously in the rhetorical analysis essay guide. Nonetheless, without understanding Ethos, Pathos and Logos as well as how they are all interconnected it is hard to compose a convincing piece. Despite the name, Ethos does not concern itself with ethics as we might initially think. In essence, Ethos examines the Speaker as in the author narrating the events or information. Thus, it becomes understandable why so much focus is placed on it. An example of such would be assessing a business plan review presented by a CEO veteran who has been establishing successful businesses for over 25 years. Remember, their credentials need to be mentioned briefly since we would not want the rhetorical analysis essay to turn into a biography of the author. In essence, Logos evaluates and promotes the use of reason to make one’s point. Thus, as an academic piece, it is vital to make use of undeniable facts that are backed up by data and evidence. Doing so allows students to carry a substantial argument across which is a valuable skill to have no matter what rhetorical analysis essay topics are being explored. Visibly Logos interacts heavily with all the previously mentioned elements since together they will combine to either prove a point or leave us questioning it. Lastly, Pathos, also referred to as pathetic appeals look to make use of human emotions to sway or gain the approval of the target audience. Authors seek to draw out a specific reaction according to the subject matter being discussed. For example, if it is a criminal forensic analysis being examined in the rhetorical analysis essay than we are faced with the feeling of sympathy towards the victim's family as well as a feeling of anger towards the perpetrator. Rhetorical Analysis Essay Topic Examples Struggling to come up with a persuasive rhetorical analysis essay topics? Don’t worry, most of us do. The lucky ones amongst us get their rhetorical analysis essay topics given out by their lecturer. Nonetheless, there are some instances where students will be required to tailor their own. Thus, to help you find the right rhetorical analysis essay topic, we have compiled a list containing some of the most popular areas of interest. Some of the most interesting rhetorical analysis essay topics are written about memorable speeches given out by U.S. Presidents. Our choices will usually concern famous people as well as the impact of their work. Therefore, for some students according to their interests, it might be better to look at Martin Luther King’s speech â€Å"I have a dream†or maybe even Steve Jobs Commencement Speech as possible rhetorical analysis essay topics. Other options would include writing about famous plays such as Hamlet by Shakespeare or the short stories written by Edgar Allen Poe. Regardless of what field you are passionate about there are always a variety of rhetorical analysis essay topics students can make use of. Related: How to Choose Essay Topics How To Get It Done Quickly: Pro Tips & Tricks With so many elements involved in piecing together a fantastic rhetorical analysis essay students must form a well structured analysis assessing the effectiveness of the intricate stylistic details being presented throughout the text. Thus, to help guide you on the right path below, there are a number of great tips and tricks that one can use to take their rhetorical analysis essay to the next level. How to Incorporate the Elements Into Your Rhetorical Analysis Essay As previously mentioned no rhetorical analysis essay is complete without examining the Ethos, Pathos, and Logos of the text. Since we now know all the dominant elements that interact with these appeals let us see how one would go about turning them into a rhetorical analysis essay masterpiece. Here are some great tips to help you on this journey: The outline should organize the information gathered meticulously. It makes writing the rhetorical analysis essay a piece of cake further down the line. Define what rhetorical strategy or strategies are predominant within the text. Do they manage to carry the author's point across when examined using DIDLES or SOAPSTone? Does their choice of strategy or strategies affect the success of the piece in this rhetorical analysis essay? Explain why you think the analogies and figurative language had a significant impact on the text. Take note of repeating ideas, imagery, and language as it is often used to reinforce a point and make it memorable to the audience. Remember imagery is directly related to Pathos, meaning it is always used to stir some kind of reaction from the public. Diction and Tone serve as the salt and pepper of the dish either supporting the imagery presented or by being too much making it inedible. Attempting to disprove the opposition's arguments towards the text improves the effectiveness of the rhetorical analysis essay by showing the student has an exceptional understanding of the topic. Regardless of the text under assessment for the rhetorical analysis essay, it is important to note that students do not necessarily have to agree with the argument being presented. It gives them a chance to disprove the case by using elements of DIDLES and SOAPSTone to highlight various failures where the author may have come up short. Take into account both sides of the coin. As a young academic it is important to acknowledge both what makes something great as well as what might drag it down in the rhetorical analysis essay assignment. By carefully taking into consideration the motifs of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos it becomes a lot easier to put the piece into the desired perspective. Create a Well-Structured Rhetorical Analysis Essay Outline It is not a mystery that having a well written rhetorical analysis essay outline will help make the assignment a lot easier to handle. In this section, we will cover how all the elements listed previously come into place by using a rhetorical analysis essay outline example. Similar to most academic assignments the rhetorical analysis essay comes with an Introduction, Main Body, and Conclusion. Some argue that it should also include a Thesis Statement section; however, we have included it within the introduction to help make it simpler while brainstorming a rhetorical analysis essay outline. The information below describes what a rhetorical analysis essay outline should contain in each respective section as well as where certain elements should be emphasized upon. Introduction Introduce the audience to the rhetorical analysis essay topics by identifying what your goals will be from the start State what text will be looking at throughout the rhetorical analysis essay Introduce the audience to the SOAPSTone and DIDLES elements and why you think these are predominant in the text. Make sure you develop these ideas in a rhetorical analysis essay outline first. Create a feasible thesis statement which does not make it overly complicated to approach the text and the rhetorical analysis essay topic Main Body Structure the data that will be presented according to your rhetorical analysis essay outline including the three appeals: Ethos, Logos, Pathos. Remember that they do not necessarily have to be displayed in any particular order instead seek to make use of the most suitable format for the rhetorical analysis essay topic at hand. The alternative to structuring the text according to the appeals is by organizing it in chronological order. Doing so makes it a lot easier and significantly more straightforward to assemble even as a rhetorical analysis essay outline. As indicated by Logos, use all of the elements presented to you in this rhetorical analysis essay guide to give the piece the amount of depth it needs. Maintain a scholarly tone in your analysis. It should be done regardless of what kind of Language is used throughout the text chosen for the rhetorical analysis essay. Students should avoid the use of â€Å"I†and â€Å"We†and instead look to write using only third person denominations. Conclusion Quite often we hear our lecturers say they want students to include or repeat the thesis in their conclusion. Nonetheless, what they mean by it is that the thesis must be elevated before it is served to the audience. The best thing to do is to include the information that the audience would not have known without taking the time to go through the rhetorical analysis essay. Keep it brief when restating these facts since you have spent the entire rhetorical analysis proving or supporting these points. Virtually anything that is being reiterated should be summarized. In some rare cases, the audience will be required to do some extra research to help place everything into a clearer perspective. If this is the case for you, we recommend explaining why it is necessary to the audience in the rhetorical analysis essay conclusion as well as providing a link or platform if possible where one may finalize the research. It is vital to include how all of this is beneficial to the real world if requiring it. Overall, it is quite easy to piece a rhetorical analysis essay outline together once you know what it should contain. Running out of time and need some professional help? Regardless of age students can often find something a lot more interesting to do than their coursework or homework assignments. For some of us, our extracurricular activities involve sport, reading or just developing our professional career by devoting all our free time to the job. Nonetheless, no matter what our passion is it is important to hand in the rhetorical analysis essay on time and with the attention to detail it deserves. In the off chance, you just do not have the time to take care of it personally it is recommended to give the experts at our essay writing service a shout and together produce a stunning rhetorical analysis essay. Do not let stress and late nights damage your health, just contact us and have it take care of by professionals.
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to Redirect Your Mail in Canada at the Post Office
How to Redirect Your Mail in Canada at the Post Office If you are moving, be sure to arrange for your mail to be redirected so you dont miss anything important. These instructions are for having your postal address changed at the post office. You can also use the Change of Address Online Service to have your mail redirected via computer. Should You Redirect Your Mail? In order to continue to receive your mail at a new address, you will need to use Canada Posts in-person or online service to forward your mail. You can use Canada Posts redirect services for both permanent and temporary moves. When making a permanent move, you can choose whether to forward your mail for four months or one year. When making a temporary move, you can choose to forward for three months with the option to continue on a month-to-month basis thereafter. The following steps apply to both residential and business relocations. Follow These 6 Steps to Redirect Your Mail At least two weeks before your move, go to any ​postal outlet in Canada and complete a Redirection of Mail Service form. Pay the appropriate fee. The cost of mail forwarding will vary, depending on whether your new address is within the same province, within Canada or in another country. There also are different rates for residential and business moves.The Redirection of Mail Service form will be sent to the postal supervisor for your old address.Ask for change of address cards.Complete the change of address cards and send them to all your regular correspondents, including your bank, credit card companies and other companies with which you regularly do business.If you still want your mail redirected after the initial period, go to a postal outlet and renew the service before the redirect period has ended. Pay the current fee. Additional Considerations Note that mail can be redirected to any other address in Canada, in the United States and to many international addresses. For security reasons, youll need to show two pieces of identification, preferably photo ID.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Everyday Poor Vs. Everyday Financially and Socially Stable Families Essay
Everyday Poor Vs. Everyday Financially and Socially Stable Families - Essay Example ic reasons behind their financial instability, if addressed appropriately by the ordinary poor, employers and the government will yield a good solution. They can make applicable solutions to the problems affecting the poor and bridging the gap between them and the financially and socially stable families, long-term solution. The rich families have been able to earn incomes that are sufficient to support their families’ basic needs with no financial constraints. The poor families’ breadwinners, have a hard time sustaining three meals a day for their families due to poor wages and salaries earned per month. With most rich people working on white collar jobs by either owning or working in big companies, the poor are employed and work in large and small companies on manual jobs that pay them poorly for work done in long working hours. Jamal and Latoya work very hard at the Burger Barn, but they are still unable to earn enough income to reach financial stability (Newman 3-38). Jamal even takes a 5:00 a.m. bus to work every day, and he does his work with much passion, but the returns in the form of wages cannot be reflected on his hourly wage that pays him less than $5 (Newman 5). The economy has been very unfair to women for a long time with women being paid less than 65 percent of what their male counterparts are paid on an hourly basis, inconsiderate of the fact that the women have more financial duties to their families as compared to men. There are higher chances of women being left alone with the task of bringing up the children if the marriage fails among the poor. The converse applies to the rich families who have a lesser chance to separate or divorce, but in case of that, the woman can sue the man for child support. Financially stable men value their families very much, and they work very hard to ensure that they provide for their families. This effort ensures their family remains intact, and they are able to fit in their social class. Family togetherness
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Urbanization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Urbanization - Essay Example This had led to sprouting of skyscrapers and tall building to house the many people residing in the towns and cities. Similarly, many people are building business empires to provide space for businesses and other economic activities. Therefore, urbanisation in the current world has been significantly improving. However, urbanisation has led to a number of adverse conditions and effects. One of the most dreaded effects of urbanisation is air pollution (Vallero, 2008:13). With an increase in the number of people, businesses, industries and other economic activities, the air becomes polluted. This creates an environment that is not conducive for human existence. There are different types of pollutants that enhance air pollution in the world. First, primary pollutants are directly linked to air pollution. These pollutants are directly involved in making the air impure after the missions. For example, sulphur dioxide is emitted into the air by factories in many urban places. This is considered as primary pollutant, since it is directly linked to polluting the air. Other primary pollutants include emissions from cars, automobiles, trains and offices (Sajimon, 2010:11). Secondly there are the secondary pollutants, which are instrumental in making the air impure. When the primary pollutants react together, they cause a tertiary form of pollution. For example, smog created after reaction of two or more primary pollutants results into secondary pollution. Both secondary and primary pollutants are a threat to life, as they affect the air in the atmosphere. A number of activities have been cited to be the major causes of pollution in the world. The first cause of pollution that is prevalent in the world is burning fossil fuels. In many parts of the world, different people use different sources of energy. In many instances, people burn coal, petroleum and other combustible fuels to produce energy. While burning
Monday, November 18, 2019
Supreme court US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Supreme court US - Essay Example The Supreme court is: political in nature; at the same time, not constrained by politics; and finally, a signpost pointing toward the U.S.s political future. The Supreme Court by its very nature is political. For example, on the issue of abortion, Roe v. Wade was an important case, which was supported by the courts, thereby allowing for women to have abortions legally in the U.S. Now, abortion is also, by itself, a very politically charged topic. Womens rights advocates usually clash with right-to-lifers in their views concerning abortion unless the mothers life is in danger or in cases of rape or incest. â€Å"In more than three decades since its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, the Supreme Court has weighed in on the issue another two-dozen times†(â€Å"Supreme Court’s Evolving Rulings on Abortion,†2010, p. 1). Now, what makes the Supreme Court so remarkable is that it has control over these very types of situations. It can have a lasting effect on peoples lives for years by just one decision decided upon by a small handful of people. In the case of Roe v. Wade, many people are against the Supreme Court decision because they are trying to restrict the rights of women. Many people do not want women to be independent. Roe v. Wade â€Å"†¦is the historic Supreme Court decision overturning a Texas interpretation of abortion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (â€Å"Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision,†2010, p. 1). â€Å"The Supreme Court held that the "right to privacy," assured the freedom of a person to abort†¦Ã¢â‚¬ except in certain circumstances (â€Å"Supreme Court Decisions on Abortion,†2008, p. 1). The same thing was true of black people. For years, women and blacks were discriminated against because they were considered second-class citizens. However, blacks got some modicum of equality with Brown v. The Board of Education, when segregation in schools was
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The personality disorders | Analysis
The personality disorders | Analysis Personality or personality traits are the basis of what makes a person who they are. When expressed in a healthy way that is beneficial to a person, they are described as an enduring pattern of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They are how we think, feel, make decisions, and take actions (Barker, 1995). They are determined both by a persons genetic makeup and environmental factors and are a determining factor as to how a person lives their life. When a personality trait becomes rigid and dysfunctional, where it significantly hinders healthy thoughts and activities and harms the person who has them, this may be the basis for a personality disorder. According to the DSM-IV a personality disorder must show a lasting pattern of behavior and inner experience that markedly deviates from norms of the persons culture (James Morrison, 2006). This could include personality patterns that are normal in some people, but are exaggerated or accentuated in those with a personality disorder. In order for a person to be diagnosed with a personality disorder, the symptoms must show a lifelong pattern of manifestation. This means that the disorder is typically identified in late adolescence or early adulthood and persists throughout a lifespan. Another requirement for the diagnosis of personality disorders is that the negative behavior patterns must have a pervasive effect on all areas of a persons life; this includes employment, intimate relationships, social functioning, and family. The behavior must routinely causes problems or dysfunction, and cannot be attributed to any other sort of mental or physical illness (James Morrison, 2006). An indi vidual with a personality disorder will show maladjustment in all aspects of their life and the disorder will be reflected in the ingrained, rigid, and dysfunctional patterns that they present throughout their lifetime. According to Frances, personality disorders usually produce ego-syntonic behavior, or consistent with the ego integrity of the individual, and, therefore, are usually considered appropriate by the individual. This may cause the negative behavioral patterns to be inflexible and tough to change. (Frances, 1999) The treatment of personality disorders is usually difficult and often has limited results. In the DSM-IV there are three groups or clusters that each of the 10 personality disorders fall into. People with cluster A disorders are characterized by odd or eccentric behavior, abnormal cognitions or ideas, strange speech or actions, and difficulty relating to others (Frances, 1999). People diagnosed with personality disorders are more frequently diagnosed with an Axis I disorders as well (James Morrison, 2006). Frequent co-morbid diagnosis for cluster A personality disorders are: agoraphobia, major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and substance abuse (Frances, 1999). Type A disorders include paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal personality disorders. Paranoid personality disorder, the first of the cluster A disorders, is characterized by extreme or unnecessary paranoia, suspiciousness, and a general mistrust of organizations, groups, and others, is found in 0.5%-2.5% of the population, as a whole and occurs more commonly in males (Frances, 1999). A person with paranoid personality disorder often thinks, without reason or cause, that others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving them, which inhibits them from developing close relationships. According to Dobbert, The delusional belief that others are disloyal and untrustworthy precludes their ability to confide in others. The afflicted person believes that the information that they provide in confidence will be later utilized to bring them harm (Dobbert, 2007). People with paranoid personality disorder also tend to hold grudges and become angry for seemingly benign perceptions of insults or injuries. These grudges can be long lasting and based out of perceived threats or insults. Even if the intention to harm or defame the person is not present, due to the constant expectation that others are trying to hurt them, an individual with a paranoid personality disorder creates a threat and will then hold malice toward another person for an exaggerated amount of time. This malice will evoke anger and hostility that will eventually lead to the alienation and isolation (Dobbert, 2007). The second of the cluster A disorders is the schizoid personality disorder, it is characterized by a general detachment from social settings, a restricted or muted range of emotions, and need for solidarity. It is found in 3% of the general population and affects women more commonly then men (Frances, 1999). A person with schizoid personality disorder neither desires nor enjoys close or intimate relationships. According to Dobbert, Persons afflicted with schizoid personality disorder find no interest in initiating, developing, and maintaining close relationships. It is not uncommon for these persons to lack the interest or desire to be considered a part of their biological family (Dobbert, 2007). These people do not find inclusion in groups or social settings particularly interesting or desirable and work to avoid such settings. A person with schizoid personality disorder is described as appearing introverted, but not shy, and seems to prefer their own company instead of seeking relationships with others. This often leads the person showing little if any interest in sexual or intimate experiences, preferring acts of self-gratification and sexual fantasy over personal contact. (Dobbert, 2007) Due to the indifference of intimate relationships, the person with schizoid personality disorder develops limited interest in activities they enjoy and does not seek to share these activities with others. They would prefer to focus their attention on a few activities and interests of a solitary nature and to obsess about those interests with little regard to the perceptions of others. They also seem to be unaffected by the acceptance, praise, or criticism of others involving their actions and isolation. It becomes obvious to those around them that a person with schizoid personality disorder does not care what others perceptions are and they often seem cold, detached, and unemotional, presenting a bland or blank expression to the world (Dobbert, 2007). The final disorder in cluster A is the schizotypal personality disorder which is a condition characterized by distorted thoughts, behaviors, and functioning. Magical thinking, relationship difficulties, severe anxiety, and poor social skills are also common. (James Morrison, 2006) This disorder affects 3% of the general population and is diagnosed slightly more in females then males. (Frances, 1999) People with schizotypal personality disorder perceive things in an odd or unusual way. Their interpretation often differs from that of others and is specific to themselves (meaning nobody else shares similar perceptions and thoughts), but is not based out of delusional thought or differing cultural norms. Many of these people believe that that they have extrasensory or magical powers and attribute their odd perceptions to this ability (Dobbert, 2007). The belief in clairvoyance, mind control, the sixth sense and other forms of magical thinking often lead others to view these people as odd which strains social and work relationships. To compound this, many people with schizotypal personality disorder have a reduced ability to understand other peoples actions and respond to them inappropriate and in a socially unacceptable manner. Having few successful experiences with others often leads to social anxiety, suspiciousness, and paranoid ideation. Dobbert states rather than examining ones self to determine the source of others avoidance, people with schizotypal personality disorder believe that the others are conspiring against them. Due to the inability of self-introspections, the afflicted person withdraws deeper and further isolates themselves, leading the person to further fall into their delusional thinking (Dobbert, 2007). People with cluster B disorders are characterized by dramatic, unpredictable, and destructive behaviors as well as difficulty with impulsiveness, the violation of social norms, and being self-abusive and hostile to others. It is common for these disorders to share co-morbidity with eating disorders, social phobias, somatization disorder, pathological gambling, substance abuse, and post traumatic stress disorder (Frances, 1999). Included in cluster B are antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders. According to the DSM-V, the first of the cluster B disorders is the antisocial personality disorder, which is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violations of, the rights of others (James Morrison, 2006). It is characterized by failure to conform to social norms, deceitfulness, impulsivity, aggression, irresponsibility, and lack of remorse. It affects 3% of men and 1% of women, and is distributed evenly throughout all races (Frances, 1999). People with antisocial personality disorder act against social norms and show little respect for lawful behaviors. They are often arrested or commit acts that could lead to confrontations with law enforcement. According to Dobbert, people with this disorder dont just violate social normsbut, perform behaviors that are significant violations of the criminal code (Dobbert, 2007). This indicates that people with antisocial personality disorder are capable of committing the most heinous of crimes including rape, armed robbery, and murder. This diagnosis had been applied to many of the documented serial killers such as Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahmer, and John Wayne Gacy. (Dobbert, 2007) The level of deceptiveness that is involved in antisocial personality disorder has been directly linked to the intelligence of the individual. While all people diagnosed with this disorder pathologically lie, as intelligence increases the use of aliases and conning operations also shows an increase. Deception contributes to the notable involvement with law enforcement and is often utilized in criminal acts (Dobbert, 2007). As displayed by criminal and deceptive acts, a lack of impulse control is noted for those diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. This impulsivity often leads to the disregard for personal safety and the safety of others. In the ever increasing need for heightened stimulation, those with antisocial personality disorder do whatever gives them the feeling of power over others (Dobbert, 2007), this may include hurtful, violent, and aggressive acts done with little regard for other peoples feelings or of the consequences of their actions. The second disorder in cluster B, borderline personality disorder, is stated by the American Psychiatric Association as pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects and marked impulsivity (James Morrison, 2006). It is characterized by identity disturbances, self-damaging behavior, feelings of emptiness, anger regulation problems, and stress related paranoid ideation or dissociative symptoms. Affecting more females than males at a rate of 3-1, it is found in 2% of the general population (Frances, 1999). Dysfunctional relationships are the key area that defines borderline personality disorder. Dobbert states that persons afflicted with borderline personality disorder are obsessed with the potential for rejection and abandonment. Their perception of the environment and persons response to them influences their feeling of self-worth and image (Dobbert, 2007). They often misconceive common circumstances and situations as rejection. This then manifests itself in anger, resentment, and feelings of abandonment. In order to tailor themselves to a relationship, the person with borderline personality disorder will illustrate a sudden change in self expression and perception. These changes may include sudden changes in the style of clothing, attitude, and social preferences of the individual and may also encompass hobbies, interests, and activities. If an individual is rejected by the object of that relationship, they will change themselves again to distance themselves from their past relationship and attract a new one (Dobbert, 2007). In order to manipulate others and stage off real or perceived abandonment, a person with borderline personality disorder will threaten or attempt suicidal behavior, and self-mutilation. Threatening self-injury or suicide allows the individual to control the other person in the relationship and allows them to postpone the abandonment that they so fear. While attempts are made on the part of a person with this disorder, many of them are half-hearted and not meant to be successful; they are simply utilized as a device evoke a desired reaction from another person. Histrionic personality disorder is the third of the cluster B disorders, and is described as pervasive and excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behavior (James Morrison, 2006). It is characterized by sexual promiscuity, rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotion, self-dramatization, and suggestibility. It is found in 2-3% of the population and is diagnosed more often in women (Frances, 1999). Typically, people with histrionic personality disorder exhibit a compulsatory need to be the center of attention. When they find themselves being ignored or not admired they feel anxiety and identify confusion. These people are very socially motivated and expect to be noticed and envied by others. In order to gain attention many people with histrionic personality disorder focus intensely on appearance or act overdramatically in hopes of creating a scene to gain attention. Seductiveness and overtly sexual and provocative behavior is another way for people with histrionic personality disorder to gain attention. Flirtatious and intimate behavior is often used, even in inappropriate settings such as work, to gain attention. A conflict surrounding this inappropriate behavior, instead of inhibiting the behavior, only works to reinforce it as the center of attention again shifts to the disordered person. Narcissistic personality disorder, the final disorder of the cluster B sub-type is characterized by exaggeration of achievements, preoccupation with success and power, excessive need for admiration, a sense of entitlement, exploitation, envy, and arrogance (Frances, 1999). The DSM-V states that narcissistic personality disorder is a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, with a need for admiration, and a marked lack of empathy (James Morrison, 2006). Of the general population less than 1% of the population suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and it is diagnosed 3-1 in males over females and is commonly classed the male ego disorder (Frances, 1999). Those who suffer from this disorder are prone to overinflating or creating achievements in order to brag about or prove their superiority to others. They often daydream about unlimited success and about the admiration that it will bring from others. They may also suffer from delusions that allow them to believe that they are entitled to act in any way they want, despite the effect it has on others. Because they view themselves as superior, the narcissist does not feel that they should be concerned themselves with the feelings of others. They will often defame and exploit others for their own self promotion. This marked lack of empathy is a dominate feature of narcissistic personality disorder and is brought about as a defense mechanism to protect their grandiose ideals about themselves. Cluster C disorders, including avoidant, dependant, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders are characterized by fearful and anxious behaviors, as well as avoidance of social situations and feelings of loss of control (Frances, 1999). Typical Axis I co-morbid diagnosis are: social phobias, anxiety disorder, adjustment disorder, myocardial infraction, and obsessive compulsive disorder. Treatment- (Dingfelder, 2004) Individuals at this end of the continuum commit rape, murder, and genocide. Will a person afflicted with antisocial personality disorder start at the lease serious end of the continuum and move to the far extreme? Recovery Conclusion Works Cited Barker, R. L. (1995). The Social Work Dictionary. In R. L. Barker, The Social Work Dictionary (p. 104). New York, New York: NASW Press. This source is reviewed and published by the NASW press, a division of the National Association of Social Workers, which is a leading scholarly press in social science research field. The information used gives a broad and comprehensive definition of the role that a personality plays in the life of an individual. This definition of personality and personality traits was chosen because due to its association with social work and because of its encompassing definition. This definition is used as a contrast point for the explanation of personality disorders. Dingfelder, S. (2004). Treatment for the Untreatable. Monitor on Psychology , Vol 35, No. 3, p. 46-48. This article, found in a peer reviewed scholarly journal, discusses the effectiveness of treatment for personality disorders. It states that many practitioners have had difficulty in treating personality disorders, which continue to present a pervasive and persistent pattern of dysfunction despite many treatment methods. It also discusses some effective treatment options and the hope for recovery from personality disorders. Frances, A. M. (1999). Your Mental Health: A Laymans Guide to the Psychiatrists Bible . In A. M. Frances, Your Mental Health: A Laymans Guide to the Psychiatrists Bible . New York: Scribner. Written by one of the authors of the American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, this book provides general information about diagnosis of personality disorders and other mental health problems. It gives more detailed information on the cluster groupings (A, B, and C) for personality disorders than the DSM-IV Made Easy, as sited below. It also gives descriptive character traits that are associated with each of the personality disorders and discusses Axis I co-morbid diagnosis that are often found with personality disorders. James Morrison, M. (2006). The DSM-IV Made Easy. In M. James Morriosn, The DSM-IV Made Easy (pp. 461-495). New York: Guildford Publications, Inc. This book, containing information released in the DSM-IV, released by the American Psychological Association, is a stripped down, simplified version of the original DSM_IV. It provided detailed information on each personality disorder as well as diagnostic criteria for personality disorders. It also provides classification information and Axis diagnosis. The information in the source is considered to be extremely accurate and is therefore used to give a thorough and comprehensive information in relation to each personality disorder. Mayo Clinic. (2010, April 6). Personality Disorders. Retrieved April 6, 2010, from This source, written by the psychological staff at the Mayo Clinic, is retrievable online. The Mayo Clinic, an internationally renowned medical practice and research group, has given a general overview of personality disorders and discussed some treatment options that are available for the disorders. The information for treatment is not found in the above references, and the idea of using psychotherapy and medication to treat personality disorders is discussed. Women Discrimination In Business: Walmarts Case Women Discrimination In Business: Walmarts Case Ethics has consistently been a part of our society. It has continuously played a crucial role whether in the professional world or in our normal daily lives. According to the well known sociologist Raymond Baumhart, ethics consists of the guidelines based on the basis of what is right and wrong and people are expected to follow the right path. A few examples such as honesty, trust and equality fall under ethical behavior and it is required in order for all of us to have a peaceful environment. (Baumhart, 1987) Importance of ethics in the business world Ethics is equally essential in the business world because it highlights the responsibilities, the principles and the standards that business people along with its organization should follow permanently. Any business organization that lacks or ignores the ethical principles is expected to fail and may harm the companys image in several ways. For example unethical behavior such as employees coming to work late frequently will reduce the productivity level for the company and this may also intervene with their profit which for many firms is the sole purpose. It is the top management levels duty to ensure that all the current working employees in their company are aware of the ethical guidelines regarding acceptable behavior in order to prevent acts such cheating at work, socializing at some networking site rather than giving priority to your work, discriminating against an employee etc. Ethics is also considered one of the corporate social responsibilities along with economic, legal and philanthropic and they should be considered majorly important. It should be dealt with seriousness because it covers human resource issues which refer to discrimination at workplace and it is extremely vital for the managers at top level to not differentiate between their employees based on how they appear or any other reason for that matter. Fairness is another part where the managers have to make sure that they are treating their employees with equality without any biased decisions taking place. Besides these reasons there are many more which just proves the point that ethics is really important for management to succeed in achieving their goals. Women Discrimination Gender Discrimination Discrimination in todays world can be defined as the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favour of or against, a person or a thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit. (, 2010). Discriminatory behaviours are of many different kinds but they mainly entail some form of exclusion or rejection. One form of discrimination that has been seen from generations till today is gender discrimination where either of the sex is considered weaker than the other. Women Discrimination in society In most societies and developed countries like the U.S. girls are usually given the freedom and encouraged to create their own lifestyle, since childhood. They are made to believe in themselves and that they can be as successful as boys in every work of life. However, the case is not the same for girls from other societies which are mostly from developing countries. They are brought up to believe the opposite where they are constantly reminded of the things they are not allowed to do. In most of the developing countries sons are regarded as insurance and hence their birth is celebrated with great joy. Whereas, when a girl is born she is considered as another expense and liability for the family. Since childhood, they are trained to do household activities and stay indoors, isolating them from the rest of the world. In some parts of India, a tradition prevails to greet the family of newborn girl by saying The servant of your household has been born. Women from such societies face issu es like emotional and physical abuse, inferiority, having their families and society limit their opportunities and restricting them from living life up to their full potential. Discrimination against women is a very demoralizing reality that still exists resulting in millions of individual tragedies. Studies show that a countrys attitude towards women is directly proportional to its social and economic progress i.e. if one part of the country gets affected then the result of the affect is suffered by the whole country as well. Sadly, women fall weak and are not able to defend themselves in situations where they are being discriminated. For example many women have to face problems like dowry, negligence, infanticide and sex-selective abortion, physical abuse and labour and sex trafficking (Mullins, 2010). Gender lines are drawn early in womens life and they face exclusions from childhood and continue facing it through out their adulthood as well. This perspective of women and false belief that women do not belong in the high corporate world has risen as a result of women discrimination. There has, over time been a stereotype thinking that women are only suitable for restricted professions like teaching or best suited to be housewives. Studies show that during elementary school teachers give more attention and importance to boys in Maths and Science while girls are paid attention by teachers in subjects like Language and Art. This is because Maths and Science subjects are more academically challenging and to be taken in the field of medicine, engineering and architecture which are considered to be male professions. Studies also show that girls in middle and high school are discouraged to participate in extracurricular activities like sports or join debate clubs. Instead, they are encou raged to participate in after school volunteer work, social programs and more inert activities. Also, when making career choices, girls are pestered by parents into pursuing clichà ©d female-oriented professions like teaching, nursing, care giving, retail and office administration. Studies carried by the Department of Labour 2007 statistics show that more women are starting businesses than men, more women are in the employees than men, and the majority of degree-holders are now women and yet they are only still dominating fields and industries that are considered suitable for female (Wolfe, 2009) Women discrimination is not always seen in developing countries alone but can also be noticed in developed countries. For example, one of the largest sex discrimination case seen in the history on the U.S. is the law suit filed against Wal-Mart. This suit was filed in the year 2001 by six female employees and by April 2010 it was reported to include more than a million females costing the retailer billions in damages. The women who filed the case claimed that they faced systematic discrimination at work. The Wal-Mart industry It is an American retailing industry founded by Sam Walton in1962 when he launched its first branch in Arkansas. His main strategy which found him early success in his life was to keep prices relatively low which lead him to earn a ranking as the richest man during the 1980s. According to the Forbes magazine, it became the worlds largest corporation by revenue. Walmarts women discrimination case Wal-Mart is being criticized for paying its female employees less than its male employees and also provide smaller salary raises to women and fewer promotions. It was reported that women at Wal-Mart were being steered away from management positions into lower-level jobs without much possible chances of progress like cashier jobs. Moreover, a woman who came looking for a job opportunity as a manager was reported to be told that she was not qualified for the management position as she was not able to stack 50 pound bags of dog food. It was also reported by The New York Times that around 33% of the women at Wal-Mart are companys managers whereas the rest 65% consist of women working as hourly employees. Wal-Mart was account to be biased towards males (Goudreau, 2010). Wal-Mart has around 700,000 working women that form its back bone and make it one of the largest private sector employers of women in the U.S. However, these employees face discrimination at work on advancement opportunities, job assignments and receive unequal pay. This discrimination towards women has been seen in all levels of the company i.e. from hourly working employees to senior management. Women earn 40cents less than what they should be earning equal to the other hourly male employees even though they have longer seniority and higher merit ratings than their male co-workers. A woman manager earns around $5,000 per year less compared to a male manager who earns $23,175 per year. Women executives also do not find themselves safe from discrimination at Wal-Mart. Women face systematic denial of advancement as men dominate the management ranks. They are stuck in the low paying jobs consisting of 92% cashiers and 76% sales associate. Wal-Marts competitors in the past have had more women managers than men compared to Wal-Mart. (UFCW, 2010). Walmarts case from Kants perspective Wal-Marts case casts light upon the ethical considerations of women discrimination in the work environment. Whether it is illegal is still under trial, however, it is clearly an ethical issue. Businesses often face such ethical issues which occur due to many reasons even if they are unintentional. The market fluctuations, competition and profit-making orientation lead business owners and managers into behaving unethically without conspicuous intentions. The issue of women discrimination can be analysed and evaluated using ethical theory. Ethical theory is generally based upon moral philosophy and may be classified on many different dimensions, however, there are several basic types of moral philosophy which are used in business ethics, such as egoism, utilitarianism, deontology, rights and relativism (Bartlett, 2003: 224). Egoism and Utilitarianism are examples of consequentialist philosophies whereas, deontological approaches such as that of Immanuel Kant are an example of non-consequentialist philosophies. Kants theories are often associated with the duties, moral rights and respect of an individual. His theories say that each person has both the right to expect to be treated according to universal moral laws and the corresponding duty to behave according to that law (Bartlett, 2003: 224). Kants theory proposes a categorical imperative which is the particular moral law according to which people should act. It states that one should act as if the maxim of thy action were to become by thy will a universal law of nature (Kant, cited in Bartlett, 2003: 224). This means that an action can be set as a categorical imperative making it a universal law and applying it to the maximum population to see what the result of that action would be if it became common behavior of the world. The morality of an action can be judged by applying the deontological approach which considers the rights, duties, truth and respect of an individual according to universal moral principles. It focuses on doing the right thing. Sex discrimination or discrimination of women in particular can be evaluated using Kants theory. Applying the theory, the categorical imperative or the universal rule can be set as It is okay to discriminate women in business practices. If this rule is applied universally, the effect of this action on the society or the whole world would be highly negative. Firstly, men would continue to view women as the weaker sex due to which they will not give them opportunities to work at all. If women dont work they will have low motivation and high emotional stress which can affect their family lives. If all families became unhappy and stressed the whole society will be affected and may not prosper. Secondly, the household incomes would decrease drastically as women will not be able to support their husbands. Furthermore, if women will have no career opportunities, they will stop their education and the literacy rate would go down. Labour supply in the market would decrease which would lead to a surplus in labour demand thus, creating a need for high wages and salaries which can become a major issue with employers. The overall employment rate would also decrease; affecting the world economy. The result of discriminating women and discouraging their participation in work practices universally can cause serious harm to the society and the whole world overall. It questions womens rights and respect along with mans duty towards equality and fairness in the world. Thus, the universal rule will be contradicted and negated leading to the conclusion that, as analyzed through this theory and the deontological approach, sex discrimination is unethical. Walmarts perspective On the contrary, when considering the case from Walmarts perspective, it is important to understand that it is the senior managements duty and responsibility to take every measure to ensure they assign jobs to employees who are most suited to do them and hold the capabilities required to accomplish the job. For example, Walmart has been criticised for refusing one woman a management position because she was unable to stack 50-pound bags of dog food hence, unqualified for the job. While many have protested against this act, it must be highlighted that there has been always a stereotype image of women as being the weaker sex and this incident helps illustrate that. Walmart managers understand that the business involves tasks that cannot be easily accomplished by women as compared to men. Also, giving women tedious jobs might be considered unethical by some customers and this could affect Walmarts reputation as being harsh towards women and making them do jobs they are not fit for. More over, Walmart may have been scandalised by its competitors who are looking for ways to show the company in a negative light as it is successful and poses serious threat to smaller businesses who are unable to compete on the basis of price due to the exceptional low prices Walmart provides hence, looking for other methods of causing damage to their competitor. Target Corporation and its ethical practices One of the greatest competitions faced by Walmart is from Target Corporation; after Walmart, Target is the second largest discount retailer in the United States. Walmart and Target do business in quiet similar manner and have both very wide-ranging ethical and environmental policies in place. However in terms of practices, Walmart has solicited much more criticism than Target for breaching its ethical policies, the company has poor employment benefits, exerts pressure on suppliers, eliminates waste into the environment and as discussed earlier, practices gender discrimination to great extent. However, Target refuses to tolerate workplace discrimination and tries to create an environment in which everyone recognizes the value of diversity. According to national statistics the average company across the United States employs a staff that consists of forty-eight percent women; fifty-nine percent of Targets workforce is women. In part with this statistic and the treatment of their female employees, Target has been honored as an organization with multiple national awards recognizing their commitment to gender diversity. In 2005, Target was named one of the Top 30 Companies for Executive Women, by the National Association for Female Executives. As well as in 2004, they were named one of the 100 Best Companies for Working Mothers, by the magazine, Working Mother. Therefore similar to Target, Walmart should also adopt policies against gender discrimination to avoid lawsuits which spoils the image of the company.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Fashion and Reflexive Advertising Essay -- Alienation Advertisements A
Ads are ubiquitous. Contemporary media-literate audiences know that one-third of a half-hour sitcom will be commercials, that magazines will contain more ads than articles, and that they will be bombarded with advertisements on the internet. The pervasiveness of ads has created spectators who are: "increasingly media-literate, cynical, and alienated...and because the number of ads continues to increase (clutter), advertising has undermined its own effectiveness by unintentionally negating the ability and the desire of viewers to respond" (Goldman and Papson, 83). Advertisers have appropriated this post-modern discourse of alienation, giving it a sign value that they can attach to their product. Alienation consequently becomes a means through which advertisers can differentiate their product; consumers can claim to distance themselves from consumer culture and individuate themselves by purchasing the product so advertised (87). It is ironic that spectators who distrust the simulacrum of advertising are offered a discourse about the world of ads as a substitute for the authenticity (101) that would arguably end their alienation. The print ads examined in this essay reflexively acknowledge and foreground the shallowness of the fashion industry and the commodity culture of which it is an integral part, thereby excusing the product's appeal on the grounds of its fashionability. Judith Williamson states one "can only understand what advertisements mean by finding out how they mean" (Williamson, 42). In other words, one must understand the process o f signification through which an ad transfers signs from cultural systems of meaning onto its product. According to semiologist Roland Barthes, this process of signification involves three... ... increasing advertising clutter, consumers have become jaded and alienated. Advertisers have appropriated this widespread cynical media-literacy, employing discourses of alienation from consumer culture and advertising to differentiate their products. Advertisers offer a reflexive discourse about the world of ads and commodity culture as a substitute for the authenticity that would end consumer alienation. The advertisements discussed in this essay reflexively acknowledge and highlight the frivolity and triviality of the fashion industry, its marketing techniques, and the consumer culture of which it is an integral part in order to excuse and endorse their product's appeal on the grounds of its style. Ironically, this reflexive advertising moves consumers farther and farther away from any sense of authenticity and only increases feelings of alienation and cynicism. Fashion and Reflexive Advertising Essay -- Alienation Advertisements A Ads are ubiquitous. Contemporary media-literate audiences know that one-third of a half-hour sitcom will be commercials, that magazines will contain more ads than articles, and that they will be bombarded with advertisements on the internet. The pervasiveness of ads has created spectators who are: "increasingly media-literate, cynical, and alienated...and because the number of ads continues to increase (clutter), advertising has undermined its own effectiveness by unintentionally negating the ability and the desire of viewers to respond" (Goldman and Papson, 83). Advertisers have appropriated this post-modern discourse of alienation, giving it a sign value that they can attach to their product. Alienation consequently becomes a means through which advertisers can differentiate their product; consumers can claim to distance themselves from consumer culture and individuate themselves by purchasing the product so advertised (87). It is ironic that spectators who distrust the simulacrum of advertising are offered a discourse about the world of ads as a substitute for the authenticity (101) that would arguably end their alienation. The print ads examined in this essay reflexively acknowledge and foreground the shallowness of the fashion industry and the commodity culture of which it is an integral part, thereby excusing the product's appeal on the grounds of its fashionability. Judith Williamson states one "can only understand what advertisements mean by finding out how they mean" (Williamson, 42). In other words, one must understand the process o f signification through which an ad transfers signs from cultural systems of meaning onto its product. According to semiologist Roland Barthes, this process of signification involves three... ... increasing advertising clutter, consumers have become jaded and alienated. Advertisers have appropriated this widespread cynical media-literacy, employing discourses of alienation from consumer culture and advertising to differentiate their products. Advertisers offer a reflexive discourse about the world of ads and commodity culture as a substitute for the authenticity that would end consumer alienation. The advertisements discussed in this essay reflexively acknowledge and highlight the frivolity and triviality of the fashion industry, its marketing techniques, and the consumer culture of which it is an integral part in order to excuse and endorse their product's appeal on the grounds of its style. Ironically, this reflexive advertising moves consumers farther and farther away from any sense of authenticity and only increases feelings of alienation and cynicism.
Monday, November 11, 2019
ICT and Education Essay
Information and Communication technologies (ICTs) are invaluable in the education of young people today. The internet is the most recent ICT development that is popular with the young generation and can therefore be a very important tool in the education of the young people. Internet-based instruction and course delivery is convenient since it makes education more meaningful, responsive, reliable and relevant. Education technology has embraced the internet both for teaching and learning since it is a paradigm shift that enables both beginning computing level, undergraduate or elementary level, and the advanced computing level, for graduates to be more reliable and responsive. A digital native refers to those people who are born in places where digital technologies- ICT, such as computers, mobile phones and the internet already thrive. The ICT will at this juncture be less important to the education of such young people as compared to those who had no access to ICT earlier at home therefore have to learn and adopt ICT later in life (Anderson & Garrison 2003). This term is used to refer mostly to young people in the 21st century who are in deed in the digital age as compared to those born before this period. ICT will be invaluable to digital natives, also called the millennium learners, as they are well endowed with the necessary skills required for one to be in tandem with the dynamic teaching and learning techniques. ICT is significant to education in a number of ways such as: Facilitating faster access to varieties of learning resources that will enhance teaching and learning, provides immediate feedback from people who are remote of distance, provide authentic and updated information, learning can take place at any time of the day or night, facilitates multimedia education approach, provides online libraries and even caters for children with disabilities (Linn, Davis & Bell 2004). Students are able to actively contribute to the construction of knowledge since the internet promotes cooperative learning while at the same time the students can receive immediate feedback from the teachers. The internet has led to a redesigning of course features such as: online resources, syllabi, virtual classrooms, online discussions, interactive learning and fewer lectures (Roxanne & Turoff 2007). Learning is shifted from teacher centered to learner centered as a result of the internet which caters for the needs of the students more adequately and is self-regulated by the students. In addition, the learners develop critical thinking skills, interpersonal skills, better cognition and better management skills. Virtual classrooms are the simulated and computer based environment where there is real time teaching of students from different locations all over the world as if they were at one place at the same time. Instructions are delivered remotely via the internet in these virtual classrooms to teach at high schools, colleges and university to deliver distance education Kariuki & Louis 2004). This method is increasingly becoming popular with students who can now learn from the comfort of their homes and is therefore becoming a major component for education mostly in the developed nations like Britain, the United States, China and Germany. Interactive learning has been developed through the use of engines and programs like face book and twitter where students can chat with their tutors and class mates live to get reading materials, instructions, submit their completed tasks to their tutors and receive immediate feedback on their progress (Plank et al 2009). The internet is therefore an invaluable tool that has significantly impacted to the development of teaching and learning in line with the dynamic world. Reference Kariuki James & Louis Henry (2004), â€Å"The myths about e-learning in higher education,†Taylor & Francis: London Anderson T. & Garrison R, (2003), â€Å"E-learning in the 21st century: a framework for research and practice,†Routledge, London. Starr Roxanne & Murray Turoff, (2007), â€Å"Education goes digital: The evolution of online learning and the revolution in higher education, Routledge Publishers: London. Plank D et al (2009), â€Å"Emerging Web Technologies in Higher Education: A case of incorporating blogs, podcasts and social bookmarks in a web programming course based on students learning styles and technology preferences,†Taylor & Francis: London. Linn M. , Davis E. & Bell P. (2004). â€Å"Internet environments for science education,†Routledge: New York.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Raisin in the Sun-Beneatha essays
A Raisin in the Sun-Beneatha essays Throughout the novel, A Raisin in the Sun, Beneatha Younger remains a strong woman with fortified views. She looks at people for who they truly are, has intellectual pride for her studies, questions everything including God, and she admirably cuts all her hair off for the sake of being true to her roots. Beneathas character represents a young, black womans feminist and unique outlook on life in the 1950s. For this profound character in the novel, Lorraine Hansberry should be applauded. Even today, it is rare to see characters that are even remotely similar to Beneatha Younger. Her character is by far, the one that reaches out from the story for being genuine and Throughout the novel, Beneatha made a point of how she thinks what is inside a person that counts. She felt that other people (especially Mrs. Younger) needed to understand that she looks beneath the surface of people. On page 49 Beneatha wearily explains, Oh , I just mean I couldnt ever be serious about George. Hes-hes so shallow. Ruth replies by saying, Hes rich! That is exactly Beneathas point. She does not want to be in a relationship with George simply because he can support her. However, Ruth and Mrs. Younger are having a difficult time understanding this. Knowing where the Youngers come from it could seem a bit ridiculous to not want to be seriously involved with a wealthy man. Beneathas character is respectable for not wanting to fall into this. Even in this day and age, many women marry men just for their money. I also believe that people should be judged on what is on the inside oppose to the outside. Beneatha doesnt listen when Ruth and Mama call her odd. Inside her, she knows that she wouldnt be able to live with herself if she married George without feeling anything for him. Beneatha Younger is a rare young lady in the 1 ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Anne Frank Research Paper Example
Anne Frank Research Paper Example Anne Frank Paper Anne Frank Paper Anne Franks Life Social Studies, Literature, Language Arts November 23, 2013 Introduction Born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany, Annelies Marie Frank was a Holocaust victim and a famous diarist. Judging from her diary, she was a outgoing, spirited child that got in trouble frequently. Her father, Otto Frank, was a businessman while her mother, Edith, stayed home taking care of Anne and her older sister, Margot. Her sister, Margot, was three years older than her. Anne Franks family lived a tranquil life before the Nazis pervaded the land in World War II. After the Dutch surrendered to the Nazis, the Nazis demanded the Margot was to go to a work camp. The family then hid in the empty space of Otto Franks business company called the secret annex for two years in Amsterdam . 0n August 4, 1944, a German secret police officer accompanied by four Dutch Nazis stormed into the Secret Annex, arresting everyone that was hiding there. Anne Franks family was betrayed by an anonymous tip, still anonymous to this day. Anne and her sister was sent to a concentration camp, and died of typhus in the early springtime of March 1945. Anne Frank was only fifteen when she died, and Otto frank was the only survivor of his family. Anne Franks Diary On her thirteenth birthday, Anne Frank received a red diary as a present from her parents. A majority of her entries were addressed to an imaginary friend named Kitty. While her family spent two years hiding in the cramp and dark, Anne wrote her hopes and dreams onto the diary. Anne filled a notebook with quotes from her favorite authors, original stories and the beginnings of a novel about her time in the Secret Annex. After Anne and her sister passed away, Otto Frank, her father, read the diary that was kept safe by Miep Gies and made her diary into a book because it deeply inspired him. Her diary was the story of faith, hope, and love when all was in despair. It has now been translated to sixty-seven languages, and read by millions. Below is a quote that she has wrote in her diary. Its utterly impossible for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos, suffering and death. I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness; I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, ill destroy us too. I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquility will return once more. Fun fact Through a 2009 effort by the Anne Frank Center USA, saplings from a chestnut tree that Anne Frank loved were planted at 11 sites nationwide. Anne and Margot called their father by his nickname Pim. You can visit the Franks hideaway, the Secret Annex, in Amsterdam today. One of
Monday, November 4, 2019
Assessment of Plato's two arguments about knowledge in the Meno and Term Paper
Assessment of Plato's two arguments about knowledge in the Meno and the Phaedo - Term Paper Example In both Meno and Phaedo, knowledge and learning are viewed as a recollection of what someone already knows. However, in Meno, Plato writes that knowledge is concerned with the recollection of necessary truths. In Phaedo, on the other hand, knowledge, according to Plato, is concerned with the acquisition of concepts, which are not necessarily truths (102b-c). In essence, Phaedo tries to imply that a person can gain knowledge simply by learning new concepts based on their individual opinions. The subject of debate in this essay is whether either form of knowledge can be independent of the other. Can a person claim to have knowledge about a subject by simply recalling some prior truths, or can a person learn new concepts based on a recollection of prior opinions? The idea of recollection or anamnesis, according to Plato, holds that if at all a person remembers something, they must have had prior knowledge of the subject (73c). Plato, in Phaedo writes that the fact that a person can hear or see something and recognize it, and even think of something alike, is all based on anamnesis (74c). In Phaedo, Plato gives an example of knowledge through recognition by stating that a person may see a lyre that reminds them of their lover (73c-e). In this context, the person’s recognition of a lyre is independent of them being reminded about their lover. However, there is a difference between seeing just any lyre and being reminded of one’s lover, and seeing a lyre belonging to one’s lover and being reminded of them. The alter explanation deals with a truth about the lover’s lyre, while the former introduces a new concept, with an opinion about any lyre. In Phaedo, Plato also explains what recollection is all about suing the example of the equal itself (74c-d). Here, the argument is that one person may see two stones or sticks as equal, while another sees them as unequal. The equality of these objects may vary according to one’s opinion, but t he equal itself is always equal, with no variations of equality. Fundamentally, this is to say that the two people both have prior truthful knowledge of what the equal itself is; what may differ, however, are their opinions concerning the equality of the objects. The two cases above require some degree of recollection, although for the former, it is a recollection of a truth about the equal itself, while the latter deals with the recollection of a personal opinion about a subject. The knowledge about the truth of the equal itself that can never be unequal is the precondition for the opinion as to whether the objects in question are equal or unequal. From this analysis, it is safe to infer that knowledge acquisition is a progression from prior truth to opinions formed in reference to the said truth. The seeing of one thing and being reminded of another, whether like or unlike, is what Plato refers to as anamnesis. However, a person can see something and instead of being reminded of a nother, they can create their own idea of something else that could be dissimilar from what they saw. This creation of an idea by a person is a new concept that does not necessarily come from a pre-existing truth. This argument, therefore, puts into doubt the idea that the pre-condition to being reminded is to have cognition of something. This is a case of having knowledge through recollection of things that are
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Comparing two electroinics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Comparing two electroinics - Essay Example Therefore, this paper aims at contrasting the two devices in order to make a good decision of the favorable electronic to buy. The both devices have similar Bluetooth capabilities, memory, and hard drive (Miser 5). They have internal wireless LAN cards of 802.11, with the same speed at ay given distances, although the MacBook has connections that are more reliable. In addition, the Vaio sonny consumes a lot of power, as compared to Apple Mac book pro since it has NVIDIA Card that generates a lot of heat. Fortunately, Vaio sonny has two graphic cards NVIDIA and Intel while Apple Mac book pro has only Intel GMA 950. In terms of software comparison, the Vaio sonny uses Windows XP while MacBook have both OSX10.4.8 through a BootCamp And can be set to boot with Win XP. The OS X is more stable that Win XP (Warren, web). In conclusion, if I were to select one device from the two, I would buy a MacBook since it is more favorable to my requirements. It will be supportive to my travel since it saves energy, have connection that is more reliable in many environmental areas (Barr 10-30). The selection is guided by my purpose for the device, although the Vaio Sony has more features than MacBook, but is unfavorable for travelling
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